Mathematical Symbols and Thermal Sums
Símbolos Matemáticos y Sumas Térmicas
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This paper presents a didactic proposal that gives the student the opportunity to make use of the summation symbol (Ʃ), a symbol used in Mathematics to denote generalized sums. Some didactic proposals are developed on mathematical problems applied to Agronomy related to climate aspects, which involve the use of the mentioned symbol. In the work, some didactic situations are presented so that the student has the opportunity to appropriate the summation symbol and at the same time can observe some practical applications in problems of an agronomic nature. With simple problems and direct application, the aim is for students to become familiar with the use of the summation symbol and with the notation corresponding to the variables where subscripts appear. On the other hand, it is noted that there is not always content at the beginning of the degree that allows the development and adaptation of abstract mathematical structures for understanding.
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