Deconstruction of the logarithmic function: Teacher training
Deconstrucción de la función logarítmica: formación de profesores
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The teaching and learning of the logarithmic function have been a purpose of study in mathematics education, both teachers and students find the understanding of this concept challenging. This has been detected or analyzed through interviews and work proposals in the classroom, among others. In this case, we consider the need for interventions that directly involve teachers. The ideas from the didactics of mathematics regarding the Basic Models by which underlying hypothesis are taken up, that considers the unique approach to teaching the logarithmic function as the inverse of the exponential function is not enough and it can contribute to challenges in learning. In this project when approaching teacher training, a Hypothetical Learning Path is elaborated, so that teachers can deconstruct this concept in their initial or continuing training process. Taking advantage of the results of inquiries in mathematics education, documentary research with phenomenological perspective is performed and, qualitative data are processed with an interpretative and descriptive analysis using the concept of Hypothetical Learning Path. For the deconstruction of the concept of the Hypothetical Path, there are objectives, tasks, questions, and experiences proposed; and the practicing or training teachers are required to characterize these functions through various mathematical elements. Based on the study and analysis of the publications of the academic community, the proposals and findings are selected and used in part or in full allows the teacher to delve through the different Basic Models and at the same time researchers indirectly embedded in the role of curators in education.
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