Analysis of the Inventory System of an Educational Institution in the City of Cucuta

Análisis al Sistema de inventarios de una institución Educativa de la Ciudad de Cúcuta

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Lizeth Gabriela Vega-Caballero
Gerson Rueda-Vera
Carlos Vicente Niño-Rondón

This paper addresses inventory management at Instituto Salesiano San Juan Bosco, emphasizing its importance in today's dynamic educational context to ensure operational flow and availability of essential resources. Using a mixed-method approach of qualitative and quantitative methods, a descriptive and correlational study was conducted to evaluate current management practices. The condition of assets was analyzed, revealing that a majority are in good condition (59.3%), while a significant percentage requires attention (29.2%) and some show signs of deterioration (11.5%). Weaknesses in the inventory process were identified, such as rotation without prior notice and opportunities for improved storage conditions. Recommendations include implementing a more rigorous control system and advanced technologies to enhance efficiency. Additionally, periodic review of inventory policies and training of personnel in best practices are proposed. Optimizing storage space is also suggested to improve organization and retrieval of assets. These measures aim to enhance inventory management and, consequently, the quality of educational services offered by the institution.



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