Abordando el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

Abordando el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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María Francy Largo-Leal
Pablo Arturo Jaimes-Espinoza
Yoleyda Largo-Leal

Students in the process of formation within the comprehensive educational institution that offers the Frontier, according to the Institutional Educational Project PEI, must meet the standards and competencies as outlined by the Ministry of National Education MEN. Taking in particular the area of mathematics, student expectations generated in the apprehension of knowledge in which evidence some problems that deserve analyzed routed guidelines to promote improvement and a taste for them. The change in level of elementary school to secondary specifically,  from fifth to sixth grade student has created uncertainty in the development process of the curricular structure of mathematics; locate the methodological reference of mathematical thinking vs. academic performance without marking of school failure involved ( teachers, students , parents , etc.). The particular sociopolitical context save sector, active border with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, considered the most dynamic in Latin America for the bilateral border trade, which makes essential use of mathematics skills, as an inherent learning every day.




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Author Biographies (SEE)

María Francy Largo-Leal, Institución Educativa General Santander

Licenciada en Español y literatura Estudiante Doctorado en Educación Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Venezuela

Pablo Arturo Jaimes-Espinoza, Institución Educativa General Santander

Doctorando en Educación Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Liberador


Yoleyda Largo-Leal, Institución Educativa La Frontera

Licenciada en Matemáticas Doctorando en Educación Universidad Pedagógica Experimentl Libertador


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