Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) en la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) en la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

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Jhon Franklin Espinosa-Castro

The information and communication technologies (ICT), today are establishing a change in humans, especially in the university education system in the process of teaching and learning where to use and apply effectively. To help students acquire the skills necessary to gather the elements and techniques used in the processing and transmission of information, especially information technology, internet and telecommunications. Given the above, the University Francisco de Paula Santander was not found any records about the technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT). Due, not to establishing research, and also students are not knowledgeable in the use and implementation within the different careers that established information. He must, that 73% of students surveyed used the Internet for UFPS for different activities. Furthermore, accessing the service using a laptop in the green spaces, cubicles, rooms or in corridors of buildings, especially the green areas, because it is the place that has better coverage. Also, 436 students of 1000 established a score of 3 on a scale of 1 to 5. Where Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) en la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Jhon Franklin Espinosa Castro1 . 12 the university community uses the Internet chat service, social networking, music and games. At the same time, it is expected that this research, propose alternatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning, as students need to know the advantages provided by ICT to successfully work with technological advances.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jhon Franklin Espinosa-Castro, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Director del semillero de investigación matematica

Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Ley de TIC 1341 del 30 de julio de 2009. República de Colombia - Gobierno Nacional.

Pérez Marqués Graells (2008). Las TIC y sus aportaciones a la sociedad. Disponible:, julio 1).

Wikipedia. Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Disponible: http: // (Consulta: 2010, julio 1).

Colombia digital. TIC en el mundo. Panorama general de las TIC y su entorno en el mundo. Disponible:

tic-en-el-mundo/tic-el-mundo.html. (Consulta:2010, julio 1).

Colombia aprende la red del conocimiento. Las TIC: más cerca de los docentes. Disponible: (Consulta: 2010, julio 1).

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