Analysis of labor productivity for the construction of a single-family home in the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander

Análisis de la productividad de mano de obra para la construcción de una vivienda unifamiliar en el municipio de Ocaña, Norte de Santander

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Pedro Nel Angarita-Uscategui
Leandro Ovallos-Manosalva
Blanca Yulieth Carballo-Rincón

Productivity is mathematically defined as the quantity produced from an activity over the work done in it; Progress has been made in many studies at the international and national level where optimization has been achieved in terms of labor productivity for the different categories of work, an investigation carried out by the productivity management system of the Pontifical University of Chile showed that Productive Work was (TP 60%), Contributory Work (TC 25%) and Non-Contributive Work (TNC 15%). This research contemplated the analysis of the labor productivity of a single-family home; identifying the activities with the greatest economic impact of the project through a quality tool, taking random samples for the activities under study using the infinite population formula and applying the five-minute technique to each activity; The data were tabulated using descriptive statistics, yielding the following results: Productive Work was (TP 56%), Contributory Work (TC 29%) and Non-Contributory Work (TNC 15%). Some work categories were not within the optimal, this was due to the contributory tasks which were not optimized in the construction process.



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