
Revista Ingenio is a publication edited by the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña. Its objective is to promote, disseminate and socialize scientific knowledge through the results of research projects. The journal contributes in this way to the continuous learning of students, professors and researchers of national and international level, as well as to the technological and scientific development in the fields of engineering and technology, mainly in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and computer science. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished, taking into account their classification (research, reflection or review), which can be submitted in Spanish or English. Subsequently, they are reviewed by national and international peer reviewers, taking into account and complying with the ethical standards of the journal. 



Peer Review Policy

Once the manuscripts are received, Revista Ingenio's Editorial Committee verifies that they comply with the editorial policy established in the guidelines for authors and communicates the result to the authors, issuing any of the following decisions: Rejected, Accepted subject to modifications and Accepted to begin evaluation by academic peers. Rejection in this review phase can be generated for any of the following reasons:

a) The work is not original and unpublished (use of the TURNITIN tool)

b) The work is not related to the journal's areas of coverage,

c) Failure to comply with the journal's editorial policy.

For papers submitted to the journal and that pass the first review phase, the Editorial Committee assigns a minimum of two national and international peer reviewers under the "double-blind" arbitration system (the identities of authors and peers are not revealed), who will be responsible for ensuring the relevance, quality and level of contribution of the manuscripts to the field of knowledge. As a result of this process, the reviewers issue a report with their opinion and recommendations for the improvement of the manuscript.


Reviewers should take into account the following considerations.

  • Reviewers may only accept the review of articles in which they have sufficient knowledge.
  • Carry out the respective revisions within the established timeframes.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the information to be published.
  • The decision may not be influenced by commercial considerations.
  • Provide objective and constructive opinions
  • Information on acceptance or rejection of articles may not be shared with people external to the Journal's editorial committee (the editorial committee should also take this into account).

Once the peer reviewers' comments have been received, the Editorial Committee will analyze the reviewers' recommendations, which will be sent to the authors with the final decision. 


Editorial Committee Decision

The Editor and Editorial Committee, upon receiving the results of the evaluations issued by the reviewers, will define and communicate to the authors any of the following responses:

Accepted: the work will be published as received and only spelling and style adjustments will be made.

Accepted with minor changes: the work will be published when the authors comply with and/or present the adjustments suggested by the reviewers; these will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and/or the peer reviewer (if he/she deems it necessary), who will decide whether they are accepted or not.

Accepted with major changes: the paper must be corrected both in content and form according to the suggestions given by the peer reviewers. The new version of the paper will have, once again, the corresponding evaluation by the peers who will determine if the authors followed the respective suggestions.

Rejected: The work is not recommended for publication.

Note: Due to the evaluation processes of Revista Ingenio, it is not possible to guarantee to the authors the immediate publication of their work.

Policy for Colombian nationals and foreigners with Colombian affiliation

Colombian citizens (editors, authors, evaluators, members of the editorial/scientific committee) and those foreign authors who are linked to Colombian institutions must have a profile in the CVLAC application, whose filled out and updated information is mentioned below: names, first last name, second last name, identification document, e-mail, professional background, academic training.

Type of Articles

The following types of manuscripts are published in Revista Ingenio, which is affiliated to the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña:

Research Article: A complete document that presents in detail the original results derived from completed research or technological development projects.

Reflection Paper: Original document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review Article: A document that organizes, analyzes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.


Filing system

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.



Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña

Sources of assistance


OJS System - Metabiblioteca |