Feasibility study of piezoelectric energy collector as an implementation of a clean technology, using the transit of people at the entrance of University Francisco De Paula Santander - Ocaña (UFPSO)

Estudio de factibilidad de un colector de energía piezoeléctrico, como implementación de tecnología limpia, aprovechando la circulación de personal en la entrada de la UFPSO

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Juan Fernando Pérez-Villegas
Albert Arley González-Pino
Dayana Liceth Domínguez-Chinchilla

Aimed at the application of Clean Energies within of University Francisco De Paula Santander Ocaña sectional, and taking advantage of the transit of people and vehicles in the facilities, the feasibility study is carried out to implementation of Ceramics and Speed Reducers made of piezoelectric material. The cost of operating these elements in different industrial sectors is researched, the different supplies of these elements and the possibility of making it with own resources. Then, the ceramic and speed reducer acquisition costs with the expenses generated by the consumption of electrical energy used by the institution are compared. Finally, the analysis carried out shows a decrease in the billing of electric power service used by a considerable number of luminaires in the university facilities, pointing out the viability of the project execution. 



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