A propose for the local solar day calculation

Una propuesta de cálculo de día solar local

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José Enrique Salinas-Carrillo
Oscar Leopoldo Pérez-Castañeda
Bonfilo Javier Arango-Perdomo
Eduardo López-Sánchez

Abstract: In This paper there are reported the local solar day concept, the theories and the results from a proposal for compute the hours in a common day gives solar radiation from a specific point located in an earth location using the optics of the measure of solar radiation, local condition defines the length of the irradiation day a posteriori from the direct measure of the incidence angle of the beam solar radiation. It is required determine  In this document the sensed day is 12th September 2020 in village of Tehuacán, Minimum angle is 36.33° in the morning and minimum angle in the afternoon is 49.06°, and the maximum angle is of 74.70!° for this day in the azimuthal position. The utility of this concepts is in devices whose functions by direct solar irradiation. Under this conception it is calculated the hour following the angle of the irradiation. It is noted that its possible to recover the conditions comparing with the usual horary. It had been noted the detention of the max angle by 30 minutes in the max angle, this implies if it is measured the time a step static in time



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