Practical procedure for stability assessment and failure probability of cut slopes in the Tijuana urban area, Mexico

Procedimiento práctico para evaluar la estabilidad y probabilidad de falla de taludes de corte en el área urbana de Tijuana, México

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Aldo Onel Oliva-González
Marco Antonio Breumen-Rodríguez
David Mascareño-Jiménez

Slope failures in the Tijuana urban area destroy a large number of structures and infrastructures every year, producing large losses in various sectors of the economy. In this paper, a practical procedure is presented to evaluate the stability of cut slopes in a sector of the urban area, based on existing information about the study area, and the judgment and experience of the authors. This procedure allows determining the safety level of slopes with different geometries, seismicity and saturation conditions, as well as estimating the probability of occurrence of instability phenomena, based on a correlation between safety factors and the annual probability of failure, or by applying a probabilistic model derived from historical records of past failures. The application of the approach and procedure in some real cases show that they are feasible and could be a very useful tool both for the design of slopes and for the correction of the failures that occur in these earth structures.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Aldo Onel Oliva-González, Grupo ITEICO Euroamericano, Tijuana, Baja California - México

Graduate of Civil Engineer by the Central University Marta Abreu of Las Villas (UCLV), Cuba. Specialist in Terrain Engineering and PhD in Mining Engineering from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in the Program "Terrain Engineering, Civil Works and Projects". PhD in Technical Sciences from the UCLV, Cuba. Geotechnical Consultant. Technical Manager of the ITEICO Euroamericano Group. Professor and Guest Researcher in several Universities and Institutions in Europe and Latin America. Researcher, Advisor, Consultant and Coordinator of Engineering Projects in Mexico, Spain, Colombia and Ecuador. Author of books, articles and scientific-technical documents published in national and international journals.


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