Evolution of the general road construction specifications for asphalt layers
Evolución de las especificaciones generales de construcción de carreteras para capas asfálticas
Main Article Content
This is a synthesis of Colombian highways construction norms, from 1970's to present, emphasizing the changes made between norms, analyzing articles about construction of cold and warm dense mixtures. From this analysis is possible to conclude that along time, the requirements have been increased in Materials characteristics, equipments and procedures used in the asphalt layers construction, because of in the mixtures design, each time is more necessary to simulate, conditions which will be submitted in every project, involving traffic and temperature variables.
Equally, this article emphasize that in 2007 specifications, is required the measurements of girder Benkelman deflexions, which seek to establish the homogeneity of the constructed structure and relation their results with a superior layer design.
Ali these requirements introduced throughout norms updating, are directed get more durability in the executed works, and therefore, to diminish the investment in the maintenance and conservation of the highways
Article Details
INVIAS.Especificaciones Generales para la Construcción de Carreteras, MOPT 1970, INVIAS 1996, 2002 Y 2007.
Cal Rafael & Mayor, James Cárdenas.Ingeniería de Transito. 2000.
MINISTERIO DE VIAS Y TRANSPORTE. [En línea]. s.e. [Bogotá,Colombia], Abril de 2008 [Citado mayo de 2008]. Disponible en World Wide Web: http://www.mintransporte.gov.co.
Diseño de Pavimentos. Benavides Bastidas,Carlos Alberto.Especialización en Vías Terrestres - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Seccional Bucaramanga. (Apuntes personales del curso)