Study of tools for ontology access: case study applied to an ontology of fish from Catatumbo

Estudio de herramientas para el acceso a ontologías: caso aplicado a una ontología de peces del Catatumbo

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Torcoroma Velásquez-Pérez
Sindy Lorena Castro-Angarita
Andrés Mauricio Puentes-Velásquez

This work present an analysis sorne tools that can be used far the treatment and management of ontologies, which are: Prolog Server Pages, Prosper and RAP. The latter includes many features, among them are distinguished, a SPARQL query engine, an RDF server, and specific methods of vocabulary that allows the manipulation of RDF models, develop an interface that allows the query ontology. This indicates, that besides providing a linkto a web environment, offers simple techniques far managing ontological models. Techniques mentioned above were applied to a specific ontology of Catatumbo Fish.



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