Smart City: Improving Citizen Security through the Use of New Technologies

Ciudad Inteligente: mejoramiento de la seguridad ciudadana a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías

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Gerardo Alfonso Verjel-Clavijo
Angela María Guerrero-Bayona

The accelerated population growth in large cities poses a great challenge to governments because with such growth comes an increase in social, economic, and infrastructural problems. To address these issues, it is necessary for cities to implement new security systems with emerging technologies and thus guarantee its inhabitants a better quality of life, access to more services, and more job opportunities. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the aspects of a Smart City from security, as well as to promote the implementation of the use of government technologies that make better use of resources to facilitate the performance of tasks that are easily accessible to citizens, turning them into Smart Citizens. The methodology used is the referencing of electronic databases, articles, and scientific research. It is vital to have an improved security infrastructure that meets the requirements of environmental standards, while being cost-effective and sustainable. It is concluded that the technologies offered by Smart Cities, by reaching the aforementioned advantages, achieve an evolution in their performance that makes them more habitable and receptive; they make the Smart Citizen feel safe and confident when interacting with smart technologies.




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