Digital transformation in the state entity

Transformación digital en entidades del estado

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Gina Paola Vergel-Arévalo
Torcoroma Velásquez-Pérez
Hugo Fernando Castro-Silva

State companies have models of governance and management of Information Technology - IT, which are structured from the perspective of ISO/IEC 38500:2015, COBIT, MinTIC guidelines, ISO 20000 and ITIL v3, which incorpórate the key decision factors, policies and guidelines, model components, and value chain processes. This project proposed the revision of the improvement strategy applicable to these models, through the evaluation of the current situation and determination of the plan that allows raising the maturity level for the generation of value in Colombian state entities. For the development of the research with a quantitative approach, we start with the review of the current state of maturity and gaps of the IT governance model and the IT governance and management macro-process with respect to meeting the objectives and goals established in the IT processes. This is followed by the definition of the management plan to close the identified gaps aligned with the MinTIC guidelines, the COBIT 2019 framework, and the ITIL 4 information technology infrastructure library. Finally, the work concludes with a manual for the application   of the improvement strategy to the proposed model.



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