Implementation of the Google Site tool for the visualization of maintenance projects management

Implementación de la herramienta Google Site para la visualización de la gestión de proyectos de mantenimiento

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Carlos Alfredo Castro-Castilla
Edgar Julián Torres-Diaz
Mario Alberto Grave-Capistran
Luis Alfonso Moreno-Pacheco
Juan Maya-López
Ricardo Andrés García-León

In this research work, the Google site tool implementation was carried out to manage maintenance activities and
projects in a company dedicated to the production of meat elements located in the department of Cesar in Colombia.
To achieve the correct use of the tool, was necessary analyze the management of the company's current assets,
by collecting information through maintenance work orders, manuals, technical sheets, knowledge of inspectors,
mechanical operators, and information obtained from the internet. Considering the above, all the procedures used by
the company were integrated into the Google site online tool based on the accuracy and reliability of the work carried out by the maintenance group The above with the aim of guarantee the visualization of maintenance management remotely and anywhere correctly evaluated the traceability of the information, which contributes to the future of best practices in the activities of maintenance and management of assets and documents, which is reflected in the continuous improvement for the company.



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