Environmental impact study on alternative sanitation systems for the solution of wastewater discharges in the coastal area of the district of Riohacha, in La Guajira, Colombia.
Estudio de impactos ambientales sobre alternativas de sistemas de saneamiento para la solución de vertimientos en la zona costera del distrito de Riohacha, en La Guajira, Colombia
Main Article Content
This research highlights the urgency of addressing pollution in the marine waters and coastal zone of the Riohacha district, aggravated by the discharge of untreated municipal wastewater. The lack of an efficient treatment system has caused soil damage, destruction of marine fauna and flora, impacts on local health, and a decrease in tourism, which is vital for regional income. To solve this problem, three basic sanitation alternatives are proposed: conventional treatment plant, submersible membrane bioreactor and submarine outfall. The environmental impact assessment using the Leopold matrix is essential to understand and compare the possible effects of these alternatives.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) provides crucial data to identify the environmental impacts of each option, facilitating sustainable decision making. This approach demonstrates a commitment to protecting the local environment. Community and other stakeholder involvement will complement this approach, and the results of the EIA and its influence on the choice of the most appropriate alternative are eagerly awaited.
Article Details
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