Overview of the Metaverse: challenges and strategies for the adoption of digital payment methods

Vista del Metaverso: desafíos y estrategias para la adopción de medios de pago digitales

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Angela María Guerrero-Bayona
Gerardo Alfonso Verjel-Clavijo
Luis Miguel Calderon-Bermudez

The in-depth analysis of the challenges and opportunities that arise when implementing digital payment methods in the Metaverse is becoming increasingly accessible, as it is a virtual space that combines both physical and digital realities. It promises to revolutionize human interaction and global commerce. Key challenges identified include security and privacy in a decentralized environment, the need for interoperability across various virtual platforms, building user trust given the historical risks associated with cryptocurrencies, and the complexity of global regulations. To address these challenges, proposed strategies include the adoption of secure technologies like blockchain, the development of interoperable solutions that enhance user experience, education and awareness to build trust, and public-private collaboration to establish a regulatory framework that balances innovation and security. The methodology used involves referencing electronic databases, articles, and scientific research. The article concludes that overcoming these challenges is crucial for the Metaverse to reach its full potential, transforming digital commerce and promoting financial inclusion globally.



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