Tourist attractions of Ocaña and its region
Atractivos turísticos de Ocaña y su región
Main Article Content
Based on the study of the Tourist Capacity of Ocaña and its Region, the information collected on the tourist attractions of Ocaña, La Playa de Belén, El Carmen and Ábrego in Norte de Santander is used as one of the elements that are part of the resources that allow the development of tourist activity, which boosts regional socioeconomic development.
For this purpose, each of the towns under study was visited, where the tourist attractions were identified, many of them declared National, Departmental and Municipal Assets of Cultural Interest; evidencing that Ocaña and its region have a great tourist potential that would allow it to offer itself as a world class destination, but for this it requires the support and investment of both the public and private sectors and the support of educational institutions in the training of the necessary human resources to guarantee an excellent service.
Article Details
Alcaldía Municipal de El Carmen N. S. (11 de Septiembre de 2012). Obtenido de
Alcaldía Municipal de Ocaña N.S. (9 de Febrero de 2014). Obtenido de
Alcaldía Municipal de Ábrego N.S. (12 de Diciembre de 2012). Obtenido de
Eco-finanzas. (2013). Obtenido de
Hernández Sampieri, R., Fernández Collado, C., & Baptista Lucio, M. D. (2010). Medología de la Investigación. México: McGraw Hill.
OMT. (s.f.). Recuperado el 22 de Septiembre de 2013, de
Organización Mundial de Turismo. (2001). Obtenido de
Pacheco García, M. J. (2005). La Playa de Belén. Monografía historia y geografía. Bogotá: Ministerio de Cultura