21ST century intelligent organizations management and intellectual capital

La gerencia del siglo XXI las organizaciones inteligentes y el capital intelectual

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Fabio Augusto Niño Liévano
Angélica Nohemy Rangel Pico
Cesar Augusto Silva Giraldo
Alejandra María Gutiérrez Espalza

he organizations of the 21st century demand from their managers capacities to face the challenges of a competition in a changing world from here that they arise constantly andin different ways about the way in which we currently provide services and how we serve a majority of the clients millennium generation; The managers of the organizations of the 21st century direct the companies in a society in constant change, how to create intellectual capital and better how to retain it in the organizations becomes one of the main decisions that the managers must take in a business world where the only constant is the change.


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