The entrepreneurial culture in business administration students

La cultura emprendedora en los estudiantes de Administración de Empresas

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Cindy Paola Pineda- López
Yurliany Dayana Manzano- Sanguino

Maintaining a good entrepreneurial culture in education allows to generate a sustainable entrepreneurial spirit, hence, its applicability allows the design of strategic actions that drive and inspire students to build their business idea, therefore, the objective of the study was to identify the entrepreneurial skills and abilities that students of Business Administration possess, likewise, the impact that the program's subjects have. In this measure, the research used a quantitative methodology with a descriptive approach, since this modality offers the possibility of making a deeper analysis of each of the characteristics of the individuals; the survey was applied as a collection technique to 144 students from different semesters, where it is concluded that the student population has great capacities and abilities to undertake, however, the education that is given does not influence enough for them to build enterprises that contribute to regional development.


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