Analysis of the economic, labour and social dynamics in the municipality of Ocaña

Análisis de la dinámica económica, laboral y social en el municipio de Ocaña

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Cindy Paola Pineda- López
Genny Torcoroma Navarro- Claro

The economic, labor and social dynamics, is an aspect that generates great controversy, over the years there have been profound changes that affect the economy and even more so when its ability to generate growth and employment limits the creation of prosperous environments that promote the establishment of businesses and public policies that support communities to stay in balance. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to understand the economic, labor and social dynamics of the municipality of Ocaña Nortede Santander, in relation to the expenses that originate in the Ocaña families, the working conditions, as well as, the most recurrent problems in the community. The methodology used was quantitative, with a descriptive scope, using the survey technique applied to 300 people. The partial results indicate that families in the municipality of Ocaña have a low capacity to cover expenses and that there are more and more problems of public order in the different neighbourhoods of the city, preventing the achievement of sustained growth levels that generate employment, income and a better quality of life.


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