Socio-educational evaluation in the research processes of the children's pedagogy programme

Evaluación socio formativa en los procesos investigativos del programa de pedagogía infantil

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Fredy Andrés Cruz- Vega

The purpose of the following article is to demonstrate in a critical and reflective way the socio-formative evaluation of the course of the research process oriented in the Bachelor of Pedagogy program, to demonstrate how the training process is from a professional practice that specializes in the knowledge of the characteristics characteristic of the multidimensional development of children, favoring the theory-practice relationship, built and demonstrable by the teacher in the interdisciplinary interaction of knowing how to be a pedagogue. In turn, as this is a field of reflection on future performance; It allows the formulation of research projects that benefit the educational community, especially in comprehensive training, social inclusion, and articulation with State Policies such as the national plan for reading and writing. The Methodology worked is qualitative, emphasized in the case analysis of an evaluation experience within this subject allowing to measure and demonstrate how the articulation of theory with reality can efficiently train graduates.


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