Indicators of Environmental Sustainability in Organizations with Impact on the Indigenous Population of La Guajira Colombiana

Indicadores de Sostenibilidad Ambiental en Organizaciones con Impacto en la Población Indígena de La Guajira Colombiana

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Carlos Alberto Severiche - Sierra
Johnny Rosado - Botello
Cruz Barreto - Terán

The objective of this work was to describe the indicators of environmental sustainability in the context of the Wayuu population. This is a descriptive and application-type research in the field, based on a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, taking as a sample 12 managers of public and private companies with an impact in the North of Colombian La Guajira. The observation method was applied as a research technique and a questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. It was made up of different items based on the Likert-style attitude scale, with five response alternatives. The results have shown that the environmental performance indicator reflects a moderately favorable category in companies, this reveals how managers apply only some important components on the treatment of the environment related to their productive activities. In conclusion, for the dimension, the global results are moderately favorable in the reality of the companies. Managers need to apply adjustments and add activities to their environmental practices, to show better indicators for environmental sustainability within the company's operation.



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