Alook at the classic theory of the consumer in Ocaña, from the perspective of behavioral economics

Análisis a la teoría Neoclásica del consumidor en Ocaña, desde la perspectiva de la economía conductual.

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Hugo Armando Méndez – Acosta

This article is based on the analysis of the classical consumer theory and its determinants, in order to know the impact of psychology on buyers through a research in the local economy of Ocaña Norte de Santander. The main objective of the research is to determine the volume of consumers in the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander who decide under the classical principles of economics, and without taking into account the behavioral factors, allowing referencing the actions of consumers, their impulses and motivations when making a purchase of a good or service. A descriptive quantitative methodology was used. The results are divided into three stages: First, the construction of the instrument, in order to know the most important variables when making a purchase; Second, collection and organization of the variables socioeconomic level, education and age range to determine consumer behavior and Third, to know what are the reasons that induce consumers to buy and in turn diagnose whether they act rationally or emotionally.



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