Characterization of hospital and similar waste management in CAMI Vista Hermosa, Bogota

Caracterización de la gestión de residuos hospitalarios y similares en cami vista hermosa, Bogota

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Juan Carlos Hernández-Criado

Background: The environmental management of residues is defined within the public policy, which involves the hazardous waste from a general standpoint. Only until 2000, the mandatory guidelines were established for the comprehensive management of hospital waste and similar in Colombia. Objective. To characterize the management of hospital and similar waste in CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, Bogotá. Methods. Research was performed at the first level healthcare provider CAMI VISTA HERMOSA, a public social company. A cross – section type study was performed, where the daily-base generated waste was characterized qualitatively and quantitatively, through the consolidation of the information in the RH1 form, established by the Manual for the Comprehensive Management of Hospital Solid Waste and Similar. Results. Biosanitary, sharps, drug, heavy metal, ordinary, recyclable and anatomic-pathological wastes were identified by using the RH1 form; similarly, they were quantified in each of the areas involved in the service providing process, showing the fluctuation in the behavior related to weights and each of their classes, determined by several factors including: the increasing number of medical appointments regarding respiratory diseases associated with raining seasons and the inappropriate waste disposal in different areas. Conclusions. Data collection was a tool that allowed to identify critical points such as the inappropriate waste disposal. Besides, the information was useful as a strategy to reorganize processes of change according to the Plan of Management of Hospital Waste and Similar.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Juan Carlos Hernández-Criado, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander - Sede Ocaña

Magister Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión Ambiental.


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