Respuestas Journal of Engineering Sciences, is an international journal published quarterly by the Francisco de Paula Santander University Cúcuta – Ocaña. Respuestas aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of engineering and technology, specifically in the areas of science and engineering materials, mechanical engineering, energy and processes, civil engineering and architecture, electronic engineering and telecommunications, computer science, industrial and organizational engineering, biotechnology and agroindustrial engineering and other engineering disciplines. The papers submitted to the journal must be of research, reflection, and revision, which may be submitted in spanish or english for subsequent peer review, subject to compliance with ethical standards, without any cost for processing.

Indexed journal or indexed by: Publindex (Categoría B), Latindex,  REDIB, DOAJ, DIALNET, BASEREBIUN, PERIODICA and MIAR.

Vol. 29 No. 2 (2024): MAY - AUGUST 2024

Representation of deflection bowl in flexible airport pavement structures

Representación de cuencos de deflexión en estructuras de pavimento flexible aeroportuario

Higuera-Sandoval Carlos Hernando , Camero-Patiño Susan Daniela , Ospina-Moreno Laura Sofia

Article Visits 531 | PDF Visits

Comparative evaluation in quality control environment between a robotic arm used for measurement versus a manual instrument

Evaluación comparativa en ambiente de control de calidad entre un brazo robótico utilizado para medición frente a un instrumento manual

Gómez-Montoya Jonathan Vladimir , Riaño-Jaimes Cristhian Iván , Ramón -Valencia Bladimir Azdrubal , Arencibia-Pardo Francisco Raúl, Peña-Cortés Cesar Augusto

Article Visits 160 | PDF Visits

Characterization of biodiesel produced from castor oil (Ricinus communis), and determination of primary factors that interfere in its quality

Caracterización del biodiesel producido a partir del aceite de higuerilla (Ricinus communis), y determinación de los factores primarios que intervienen en su calidad

Gáfaro-Álvarez Dally Esperanza, Rueda-Jaimes Andres Gilberto, Medina-Caballero Luisa Fernanda, Salazar-Beleño Ana Milena, Montesino-Rincon Sandra Milena , Carreño-Castaño Leidy Andrea

Article Visits 59 | PDF Visits

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