Ultrasonography of the bovine

La ultrasonografía en bovinos

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Diana Gutiérrez Lizarazo
Giovanni Báez Sandoval

Ultrasound has become a very useful tool in animal reproduction since implemented during the 1980’s. Different applications go from clinical to physiological studies, along with a number of practical on-farm uses. This paper reviews the basic principles of transrectal ultrasonography and highlights the importance of its use within the productive context of cattle operations. Anatomical and physiological concepts of the cow’s reproductive tract are described, along with concepts on the use of ultrasound in monitoring ovarian dynamics through follicular diameter measurements and corpus luteum volume during the estrous cycle, and this variables are related to pregnancy success also diagnosed by ultrasound. Research references, as well as our own results are presented, showing a positive relationship between the diameter of the ovulatory follicle, the volume of the corpus luteum generated after ovulation, and the positive pregnancy diagnose. Our data, as well as the referenced literature, demonstrate that ultrasound is a useful tool, with potential for being used in evaluation, diagnosis and decisionmaking based on the cow reproductive events, along with the current reproductive biotechnologies as insemination and embryo transfer in order to optimize their efficiency.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Diana Gutiérrez Lizarazo, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Ingeniera Pecuaria. DG Reproducción Animal.

Giovanni Báez Sandoval, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

PhD Candidate. Department of Dairy Science, University
of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. 53706


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