Analysis of vitamin B2 in white rice commercialized in the Metropolitan Area of Cúcuta by ultra-fast liquid chromatography (UFLC)

Análisis de vitamina B2 en arroz blanco comercializado en el Área Metropolitana de Cúcuta por cromatografía líquida ultra rápida (UFLC)

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Dora Cecilia Rodríguez Ordoñez
Laura Natalia Torres Herrera

Background: Riboflavin analysis is one of the parameters most referenced in the determination of the nutritional value of some
foods. Objective: standardize the method of analysis and determine the content of riboflavin (vitamin B2) in samples of white
rice fortified (A and B) and unfortified (C and D), marketed in the metropolitan area of Cúcuta. Method: the extraction and
triplicate analysis of two batches of each sample was performed. Unfortified samples were doped in order to determine the
percent recovery of the method. Three samples of 5,0000 grams of each batch of fortified and non-fortified rice, were subjected
to the extraction process of the vitamin by acid hydrolysis, after enzymatic treatment with papain and takadiastase at 45 ° C. The
extracts were purified by filtering with filter paper, and again by regenerated cellulose syringe filters of 0.20 μm. The riboflavin
concentration in each extract was determined in triplicate by HPLC on a UFLC SHIMADZU Prominence liquid chromatograph.
The statistical analysis of data was carried out with the software R version 3.2.2. Results: the average concentrations, in mg
riboflavin / kg of rice, in rice samples A, B, C and D were 0,4121, 2,3741, 0,3208 and 0,3217, respectively for batch 1, and for
batch 2 were 2,3831, 1,0552, 0,4022 and 0,3246, respectively. Recovery percentages of riboflavin in doped samples were about
91.00%. Conclusion: it is noted that between different batches of fortified rice of the same brand there is variation in the content
of vitamin. In samples of not fortified rice, the concentration found corresponds to the natural riboflavin content in rice, with
similar values in all samples.

Keywords: Cereals,Fluorescence,HPLC,Riboflavin,Vitamins


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