The number, as an instrument of measurement and formation of a materic, abstract and mathematical reality

El número, como instrumento de medición y formación de una realidad materica, abstracta y matemática

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Juan Manuel Villa Carrero
Julián Orlando Tarazona

The present work consists of transcending the perceptual, that first knowledge of something through the senses, to opt for number, as an instrument of measurement and formation of a material, abstract and mathematical reality in the design of new
architectural objects.The problem in this work was to develop electronic tools that allow extracting information from the reach
of the experiential reality of the designer and explore methods of modeling the dynamics of reality. As a result, this work
allowed, through sound sensors, to measure and shape these dynamics and process them digitally through spatio-temporal maps,
instead of the usual conventional maps usual in architectural analysis. This favored the control and significance of the designs
of new objects.

Keywords: Anthropocene,Design Reality,Dialectical Materialism,Sensors


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