Influence of culture and socio-economic status on the teaching - learning process developed in the business sciences

Incidencia de la cultura y la condición socioeconómica en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje desarrollado en las ciencias empresariales

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Gerson Rueda Vera

The aim of the research centred on knowing if the variables: knowledge of the interculturalidad, place of residence, the perception
of equality, and socioeconomic reality are relevant for the process education - learning in the programs of managerial
sciences of the University Francisco de Paula Santander (Cúcuta-Colombia) approached from rurbano and the intercultural
education, with a quantitative methodology, of descriptive study correlacional, with the survey as instrument of compilation of
information, applied to 105 teachers and 420 student, Resultados. A knowledge of the topic exists, there is few worry for
knowing the context of the student, a space of dialog remains without discrimination inside the classrooms. Conclusion: It is
necessary to improve the guidelines that are aimed at perfecting the skills and abilities that the subject can acquire for the development
of a profession, regardless of their origin, social level and amount of resources they have.

Keywords: Education,Including,Rurbano,Interculture


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