Bases for the relationship between research and graduate education

Bases para la relación investigación - postgrado

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Román Antonio Hernández Dávila
Adriana del Pilar Cerinza-Contento

Background: Research and innovation are pillars of the socio-economic development of the country. During the last few decades, Colombia has enjoyed advancements in R+D, but higher education needs to develop critical mass in order to meet the challenge of a knowledge-based society and be able to enrich the transformational relationship among academia-State-integral development-society. This essay presents an insight into the concepts of research-graduate education (CRES.UNESCO 2008, CESU 2014, COLCIENCIAS 2015), with the aim of achieving the Objectives of (i) identifying the basis for an interwoven relationship between the two, with convincing results in innovations, scientific achievements and positive impact on the quality of life and sustainable development (ii) adding value to scientific collaboration and knowledge sharing; and (iii) formulating sustainable recommendations to strategic alliances, in order to develop relevant graduate programs, subject-based networks of shared studies, collaborative communities among and across disciplines, multiple sources of financing and to increase groups, lines and projects for research. Development: the core of the essay proposes to have the institutions of higher education as the main suitable window to propose and showcase feasible projects in research, innovations and development. Conclusions: The interwoven cooperation between graduate programs and research with pertinent criteria play an important role in facing the challenges established by an increasingly globalized society,where comparative advantages between companies and countries, are centered in efficiently managing knowledge, which is the
intangible capital, the engine of added value, and the driver of economies and sustainable development.

Keywords:Higher education institutions,Research,Graduate degrees,Academic Networks


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