Physical-ceramic characterization of clays used in the manufacture of mansory products for construction

Physical-ceramic characterization of clays used in the manufacture of mansory products for construction

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Ricardo Andrés García León
Eder Norberto Flórez Solano
Carlos Humberto Acevedo Peñaloza

Nowadays, in Colombia, specifically in the north-eastern, in Santander region, the process of mixing the ceramic paste used to manufacture masonry products for construction (H- 10 bricks, tiles, roof tiles, etc.) is done manually. For this reason, approximately 70% of the companies do not possess the technological tools which facilitate the prediction of the behavior of the raw material (clay). The main objective of this research is to formulate mixtures at a laboratory-level in order to verify the physical properties of ceramic raw materials used by a company which was takenas a sample. The research development was carried out through the execution of tests and laboratory analysis, taking into account the formulation of mixtures with the help of Statgraphics Centurion XV software in order to obtain combinations of raw materials according to the requirements of the current standard techniques. The results demonstrate the importance of using statistical programs for the improvement of systems and processes, predicting the behavior of raw materials as well as conducting pilot tests, taking into account the laboratory analyses in the ceramic industry. Conclusions: The results show that the mixture combinations obtained have the necessary parameters to meet the current standards such as resistance and absorption, which will optimize the economic and physical resources of the company, as well as the quality of the final product.



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