Evaluation of the in vitro growth of the culture of oregano (origanum vulgare) from organogenesis’s technology

Evaluation of the in vitro growth of the culture of oregano (origanum vulgare) from organogenesis’s technology

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Heimy Jerylee Camacho Camacho
Christian Andrei Chacín Zambrano
Leydy Gabriela Rodríguez

There was evaluated the in vitro growth of the culture of Origanum vulgare from Organogénesis’s technology. Three treatments of disinfection were applied for the explantes, with modifications in the time of dip, etc., evaluating the following variables: percentage of explantes prosperous, contaminated and oxidized. For the phase of establishment and multiplication, there were evaluated five and three means of culture Murashige and Skoog respectively, modifying the concentrations of the hormones. In agreement to the evaluation of the treatments of disinfection, one determined that the treatment one (T1), generated 100 % of explantes prosperous, opposite to the treatments other treatments. As for the means of culture Murashige and Skoog used in the phase of establishment the half number four (Ms4) possesses a significant difference in the percentage of germination, opposite to other means of culture evaluated. In the stage of multiplication the half number three (Mn3) with regard to the variable of height of the stem obtained a significant difference in relation with other evaluated means. Finally, in the phase of establishment the way Ms4 obtained the best performance in the germination of the seeds of oregano, in the stage of multiplication of the plántulas there was demonstrated a relation of 1:20, demonstrating a massive multiplication from a plant boss in the way of culture Murashige and Skoog Mn3, vitroplantas free of pathogenic.



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