Design turbine blade Aeolian of vertical axis using laminated tin palm material using the finite element method

Diseño de álabe de turbina eólica de eje vertical usando material laminado de Palma de Lata mediante el método de los elementos finitos

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Manuel de Jesús Martínez
Juan Dayal Castro Bermúdez
Iván Darío Ortega Anillo

This work focuses in analyze the mechanical behavior of a vertical axis wind turbine Blade, which is constituted by a natural composite material of “Palma de Lata” and binder, constituents for which its mechanical properties are obtained through mechanical tests and literature references. This study was made under the wind conditions of the colombian “Cañon del Chicamocha”, whose aerodynamic loads (pressures) were obtained in previus studies. The Design was made base on the layers layout of the composite, from stress distribution analysis the critical regions to reinforce the blade were found. At last, the behavior of the reinforced Blade was verified, obtaining in the “Palma de Lata” laminated a feasible alternative to be used in the wind turbines design.



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