Conceptual framework for watershed management based on the systematization of the pilot project for Colombia of the Pamplonita river basin

Marco conceptual para ordenación de cuencas a partir de la sistematización del proyecto piloto para Colombia de la cuenca del río Pamplonita

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Yenni Esperanza Rodríguez Pérez
Jacipt Alexander Ramón Valencia
John Hermógenes Suárez Gélvez

Since the issuance of Decree 1729 of 2002, the need for the management of watersheds and the concepts, objectives and scope of the corresponding management plans in the country was established. The final purpose of this exercise is to define and logically and coherently link the key concepts and variables necessary to address research focused on the organization and management of watersheds. In addition, verify the state of the art and determine future research needs. For its elaboration a recognition of the literature concerning the topic was carried out, an evaluation and follow-up of the progress reports delivered by each of the components, the conclusions that came out as a result of the weekly work tables of the technical and administrative teams, the design and reading of a format applied during the systematization of the experience, and the technical analysis of the guide for the river basin development and management plans.  A conceptual framework was constructed with the terms of greatest importance to be managed by a team that participates in management processes during the various phases of a study. A clear conceptual framework allows to guide the research, provides a review to decipher and understand the results of the study and facilitates the production of new knowledge and the articulation between the technical teams for the fulfillment of the objectives during the development of river basin management plans (POMCA). Taking as a reference, the experiences lived during the execution of this study, it can be said that it is fundamental that in the preparation and during the beginning of the diagnosis, professionals hold conceptualization meetings so that the different products to be obtained show a joint participation from the different knowledge groups.



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