Big data, key factor for the knowledge society

Big data, factor clave para la sociedad del conocimiento

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We are currently in an era of information explosion that affects our life in one way or another. Because of this, the transformation of huge databases into knowledge has become one of the tasks of greatest interest to society in general. Big Data was born as an instrument for knowledge due to the inability of current computer systems to store and process large volumes of data. The knowledge society arises from the use of technologies such as Big Data. The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of Big Data on the knowledge society through a review of the state of the art supported by research articles and books published in the last 15 years, which allow us to put these two terms into context, understand their relationship and highlight the influence of Big Data as a generator of knowledge for today's society. The concept of Big Data, and its main applications to society will be defined. The concept of the Information Society is addressed and the main challenges it has are established. The relationship between both concepts is determined. And finally the conclusions are established. In order to reduce the digital divide, it is imperative to make profound long-term changes in educational models and public policies on investment, technology and employment that allow the inclusion of all social classes. In this sense, knowledge societies with the help of Big Data are called to be integrative elements and transform the way they are taught and learned, the way they are investigated, new social and economic scenarios are simulated, the brand decisions in Companies and share knowledge.



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