Toxic Metal Waste In Agricultural Soils Of Areas Close To Oil Exploitations In Tibú, Norte De Santander

Residuos De Metales Tóxicos En Suelos Agrícolas De Veredas Cercanas A Explotaciones Petroleras En Tibú, Norte De Santander

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Soil pollution is a serious environmental problem, involving environmental impacts of human activities on air and water, affecting those places where mineral extraction and concentration activities have developed, as well as industrial processes in which they appear as raw materials and waste. In the Americas, including Colombia, the contamination of soils by heavy metals is becoming increasingly important; From the beginning of this century, the determinations of metal concentrations in soils and pastures, especially cadmium, began to rise. The objective of the present work was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Cd and Pb collected in sidewalks close to oil farms in soils, pastures and waters. The determination of the levels of these metals was performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results were compared with the regulations of the European Union, since Colombia does not have its own regulations to compare the concentrations of these metals in the soil, pasture and animal drink water. The results obtained showed that the concentrations of Cu, Cd and Pb in the Village subject of this research were found above the limits allowed by the European Union, with the exception of Pb in the samples of waters and
pastures of these Villages, in which the concentrations were found according to the norm.



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