Low cost support design for correction of hip dysplasia in medium and large dogs

Diseño de soporte de bajo coste para la corrección de la displasia de cadera en perros medianos y grandes

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Juan Joya-Cadena
Martín Herrera-Pérez
Juan Olave-Gutiérrez

Hip dysplasia is a disease that affects medium and large dogs. It is produced by different causes such as genetics, weight and care of the pet. Currently, in Colombia there are not specialized mechanisms that provide comfort to their lives. Therefore, in the present study, a versatile and standard device was designed to help improve the quality of life of these animals, taking as a reference the breed "German Shepherd". The average weight of the previous one is 28 kilograms and of medium-large size between 45 and 70 centimeters. The device was made considering the health and welfare of the animals considering the mobility and safety of their limbs. Likewise, this mechanism adapts to the canine condition, promoting the use and mobility of its hind legs until mobility is completely lost. Its design and manufacturing cost was 100 USD.



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