Characterization of plastic soil for stabilization with cementing

Caracterización de un suelo plástico para estabilización con cementantes Characterization of plastic soil for stabilization with cementing

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Romel Jesús Gallardo Amaya
Ciro Andrey Martínez Ovallos
Angie Alejandra Muñoz Quintero

Soils with a significant content of clay material and high plasticity are related to a particular behavior that presents with problems of low resistance to cutting, excessive volumetric changes, and high deformability. As regards the previous studies conducted for any infrastructure project, the typology of the soils present should be identified and characterized. With the development of research it seeks to carry out the characterization of a typical plastic soil, the territorial roads, the municipality of Ocaña, and the possibility of improving the potential of the cement, identifying their physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics. For this purpose, a composition composed of 3 stages is proposed: Recognition of the sampling site, laboratory tests and analysis of results. The results are related to the soil according to the unified system as an MH (clay loam of high plasticity), with Liquid Limit = 61.7%, Plastic Limit = 44.9% and Plasticity Index= 16.78%, with a specific gravity of 2.78 and unit weight of 1.382 g /cm3, optimum humidity of 31.07% and maximum dry density of 1.43 g /cm3. As for the mechanical characteristics, it has an average friction angle of 20.25 °, the cohesion of 18.11 kPa, unconfined compression resistance of 135.61 kPa and an index of CBR = 5.37. The relationship with the chemical characteristics, the soil has a cationic exchange capacity of 46.1 meq / 100g soil and a pH = 6.9. With the EDS analysis, the main element present in the soil is oxygen, followed by silicon and aluminum. There is also a noticeable presence of iron oxide. In conclusion, the study floor meets the characteristics of a soil that can present deformation problems for moisture values, which is susceptible, in addition to its physical and chemical characteristics, to stabilize with cement.



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