Physical-Chemical Characterization Of A Clay Material Coming From The Northeast Region Of Colombia, For The Manufacture Of H-10 Blocks

Caracterización Físico-Química De Un Material Arcilloso Proveniente De La Región Nororiental De Colombia, Para La Fabricación De Bloques H-10 Physical-Chemical Characterization Of A Clay Material Coming From The Northeast Region Of Colombia, For The Manufacture Of H-10 Blocks

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Edwin Edgardo Espinel Blanco
Eder Flórez Solano
Ricardo Andrés García León

In this work, the physical-chemical characterization of clay used for the manufacture of H-10 ceramic blocks in the municipality of Ocaña, Norte de Santander, Colombia is presented. The collection of samples was carried out from the quarry of a company dedicated to the manufacture of masonry products for construction. Initially, in the physical characterization a stratified sampling was made according to the texture and appearance of the clay, to identify the presence of carbonates; In addition, the wet granulometry test was carried out for each sample in order to determine the percentages of sand, silt, and clays. The chemical characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction (DRX) to the samples mixed with the procedure used by the company, to determine the phases formed in the material and the degree of Mosh hardness, in order to buy the values ​​with respect to the final product manufactured by the company. Finally, the results of the final properties of the blocks are analyzed with respect to the Colombian NTC 4205 technical standard procedure, against the physical-chemical characteristics of the clay and the properties of the mixture used in the process, to propose strategies and recommendations on the selection of the raw material that allows blocks with greater mechanical properties and less production defects, thus complying with the requirements established by Colombian technical standards.



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