Concrete slump with partial replacement of cementitious material by fly ash and hydrated lime

Concrete slump with partial replacement of cementitious material by fly ash and hydrated lime Asentamiento en concretos con reemplazo parcial de material cementante por ceniza volante y cal hidratada

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Oswaldo Hurtado-Figueroa
Carlos Alexis Bonilla-Granados
Javier Alfonso Cardenas-Gutierrez

It was determined the settlement, with the help of the Abrams Cone, of 3 mixtures of conventional concrete with weight differences in the incorporated cementitious material whose variation contemplates the 300, 350 and 400 Kg/m3 for each mixture. The classification of the materials used for the elaboration of the concrete mixtures was made by means of the standardized methods in the Colombian Technical Norms and the Tests of the National Institute of Roads. Based on the conventional mixtures elaborated, an equal number of experimental mixtures were carried out that counted as a common characteristic the replacement of 40% of the weight of the cementitious material by 70% of fly ash, residual material of the Termoelectrica Termotasajero located in the municipality of San Cayetano Cúcuta Colombia and 30% of hydrated lime coming from the Municipality of Malaga in the department of Santander of the same country. The experimental mixtures, in addition to their variable in the weight of the incorporated cementitious material, had an additional variable which consisted of the % of water in relation to the weight of the cementitious material with which its reveniment was evaluated with the inclusion of 60, 65 and 70% of the weight of the material by water. After a comparative analysis of the data from the mixtures, the viability of including fly ash and hydrated lime in mixtures that include 350 and 400 kg of cementitious material per m3, together with 65 and 70% of water in relation to the weight of the same material, was concluded.



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