Caracterización de suelos de subrasante mediante el uso del penetrómetro dinámico de cono (PDC)

Caracterización de suelos de subrasante mediante el uso del penetrómetro dinámico de cono (PDC) Characterization of subsoil soils by using of dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP)

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Agustín MacGregor Torrado
Romel Jesús Gallarda Amaya
Haideé Yulady Jaramillo

In the development of road projects, as well as in different infrastructure works, the characterization of the materials is necessary to know their behavior. In the case of subgrade materials, their support capacity can be defined by the CBR index, which is an indicator of their resistance to shear and whose estimation is made by various field and laboratory methods.

The objective of this research is the characterization of the ground as subgrade material from the CBR index obtained with the dynamic cone penetrometer (PDC) test for unpaved roads in the municipality of Ocaña. Four stages of work have been proposed: Field recognition, sampling, field and laboratory tests, and analysis of the results.

The soils in the study areas have a significant content of fines with percentages between 7% and 70% that classify as sands and clays according to the unified SUCS system, with plasticity indexes between 6 and 25, and PDC index between 2 and 75 which corresponds to CBR values between 58% and 5% respectively, this applying the equation proposed by the INV standard E 172-13.

In conclusion, the use of this method for the characterization of sub-grade soils is an alternative that provides economy and speed for the measurement of the support capacity through the CBR index. From the behavioral point of view, the PDC index allows sub-grading to be classified in a range from Poor to Excellent, which provides an initial perspective of the quality of the terrain.



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