Corrosion resistance of bainitic steels alloyed with boron

Resistencia a la corrosión de los aceros bainíticos aleados con boro

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Pedro Javier Lizarazo-Ávila
Rodolfo Rodríguez-Baracaldo
Jhon Jairo Olaya-Flórez

Due to its good combination of properties and its wide range of application in the automotive and rail sector, among others, banitic steels have been studied by modifying their chemical composition using different alloys in order to improve their resistance, as is the case of boron, which is an element that allows to increase the mechanical properties of steel and its behavior against phenomena such as wear when is used in small quantities. In the present investigation, through of saline chamber and potentiodynamic polarization tests, the influence of boron was studied in steels with bainitic microstructure against phenomena as corrosion by varying its percentage in each sample analyzed, which was developed from the measurement of parameters such as the percentage of corroded area and the current density. Although no significant influence of boron was observed in the saline chamber results, in potentiodynamic polarization, a greater reduction in current density was observed for steel with a higher boron content, which results in a better resistance to corrosion compared to other steels that had a lower percentage of this element.



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