Journals in engineering and technology: evaluation and analysis of the incidence of the Publindex classification model

Revistas de ingeniería y tecnología: evaluación y análisis de la incidencia del modelo de clasificación de Publindex

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Mayerly Ivonne Sáenz-Suárez
Luisa Fernanda Uribe-Forero
Octavio Andrés González-Estrada

This paper presents a descriptive study and scientometrics analysis to evaluate the incidence of the classification model of scientific journals Publindex in the behavior of Colombian journals in the area of Engineering and Technology. Qualitative and quantitative criteria were compiled, the production and contents of the journals were studied, and the national journals of the Engineering and Technology area were compared with the international journals of the same area. As a result, it is concluded that the implementation of the new categorization model served as a stimulus to boost the impact and improve the management of Colombian scientific journals in the study area. However, there is evidence of the need to implement models of editorial management and editorial policies (publication languages, periodicity, type of peer review, number of articles published, etc.) of international journals, and to rethink the classification model of scientific journals in Colombia incorporating guidelines that allow an objective evaluation based on the standardization and control of citation patterns.



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