Cement substitutes: a bibliometric analysis of trends and contributions from 2013 to 2018

Sustitutos del cemento: un análisis bibliométrico de las tendencias y aportes desde 2013 hasta 2018

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Yessica Carolina Villamizar-Delgado
Leonardo Cely-Illera
Jairo Cely-Niño

The substitution of cements has been an area of ​​research development by the vast majority of countries, which seek new alternatives that strengthen the cement industry and mitigate the environmental impact. The study of this area has marked a growing trend whose objective seeks to reduce emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere. In order to help determine the investigative direction regarding cement substitutes, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on this subject in the period between 2013 and 2018. The meta-search engine Web Of Science (WoS) was used, it was interpreted by half of the HistCite software. We analyzed 1000 documents obtained which showed an increasing tendency in the publication of studies related to this area. It was determined that countries such as China, France and US are the ones with the highest number of scientific publications. In this research, 3,190 authors deepened this area of ​​interest, with Construction and Building Materials, the Journal of Cleaner Production and Cement and Concrete Research, the most published journals and the Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Southeast University and the University of Cergy-Pontoise. institutions with the most publications. Finally, the word "cemento" is the most used keyword of 2191 researched, followed by the word concrete. Giving information this work seeks to strengthen future research to contribute to technological growth and research on the subject of cement substitutes.



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