Induction motor speed control in a DSP-based low-THD multi-level converter
Control de velocidad del motor de inducción en un convertidor multinivel de bajo THD basado en DSP
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This paper presents the development of an algorithm for speed control for the induction motor using the TMS320F28069M microcontroller, the algorithms were performed based on the operating limits of the scalar control technique and the characteristics of the DSP. The control technique together with the optimization algorithm used will provide the modulations with optimization of the harmonic content, based on the method of frequency variation adopting a multi-level converter, which receives the control signals from the device's GPIOs acting as the final element control loop proposed. The adopted multilevel converter converts the voltage coming from the DC BUS to a quasi-sinusoidal AC voltage thanks to the steps outlined above, providing the power supply to the induction motor that intrinsically carries the scalar control technique.
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