The accreditation of sustainability and its impact on profit margins in the industrial sector of the Mexican Stock Exchange

La acreditación de sustentabilidad y su impacto en los márgenes de rentabilidad del sector industrial de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores

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José Antonio Morales-Castro

This work focused on empirically test the accreditation in the areas of management and use of natural resources, social responsibility and corporate governance of companies in the industrial sector is needed to enter the sustainable index of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) and its effect on profitability. Methods: The 30 companies in the industrial sector contributors in the BMV was identified, 6 profitability ratios for each calculated, then two groups were formed, which were credited to enter the sustainable rate and not credited and calculated the statistical difference in average values profitability ratios between the two groups and the statistical difference in average rates of profitability ratios for firms accredited as sustainable to compare the periods before and after the date of entry into index sustainable. Results: It was found that companies accredited as sustainable have higher values in their profitability ratios compared to those not accredited, but only four of them are statistically significant. Conclusion: Certified in the areas of management and use of natural resources, social responsibility and corporate governance to enter the sustainable rate securities exchanges is reflected in increased gross margins and operating profitability in enterprise.



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Author Biography (SEE)

José Antonio Morales-Castro, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Doctor en Ciencias de la Administración

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