Characterization of maturity in civil construction works in Colombia

Caracterización de la madurez en obras de construcción civil en Colombia

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Hugo Fernando Castro-Silva
Gonzalo Andrés Rodríguez-Cañas
Hollman Harley López-Márquez

Project management is one of the disciplines with the greatest academic interest in recent years, due to the importance of projects for the economy and strategic positioning of both an organization and a region or country. The maturity of project management in organizations is related to the search for a competitive advantage in the market through excellence in the projects and various models of maturity have been proposed in the organizations. The objective of this study is to characterize the maturity in the management of construction projects in Colombia, based on the perception of a representative sample of project managers in the sector. The results show that, at each of the maturity levels, such as standardization, measurement, control and continuous improvement, project managers, mostly the project management processes, have techniques and tools for project management implemented. However, the basic orientation of construction project management towards the processes of knowledge areas that make up the so-called iron triangle of projects, such as scope, schedule, budget and quality, is evident. The results of this research show the need to implement appropriate strategies by construction companies to improve the level of maturity in processes related to the management of resources (mainly human resources), project knowledge management, risk management and communication management among the different stakeholder groups of the project, in order to increase the success rate of projects in this sector. the construction.



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