Comportamiento del módulo dinámico y fatiga en mezclas asfálticas con escoria de horno al oxígeno

Comportamiento del módulo dinámico y fatiga en mezclas asfálticas con escoria de horno al oxígeno

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Ricardo Ochoa Díaz

Oxygen furnace slag (BOF) is produced during the transformation of pig iron from the blast furnace into steel during the integrated iron and steel process. This waste has generated environmental problems due to accumulation and not proper disposal. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the use of dynamic modulus and fatigue behavior in asphalt mixtures with partial (50%) and total (100%) replacement of the coarse aggregate by BOF; the results were compared with the behavior of a mixture made with conventional aggregates. To achieve the objective, the chemical and physical properties of BOF were determined, the optimal content of asphalt cement was determined with the Ramcodes methodology and tests were carried out to evaluate the physical characteristics, dynamic modulus and fatigue of each type of mix. The results of this study show an improvement in fatigue behavior and a slight decrease in dynamic modulus in mixtures with BOF. Which allows us to deduce that the use of this waste is feasible and thus contribute to sustainable development and protection of the environment.


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