Determination of Wind potential in the municipality of Guasca and its viability in power generation

Determinación del potencial eólico en el municipio de Guasca, Cundinamarca y su viabilidad en la generación de energía

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Due to the reduced number of wind energy studies in the interior of Colombia, the objective of this study is to determine the wind potential of the municipality of Guasca as well as its viability in energy generation, for this the data corresponding to the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019 of the meteorological stations that could measure wind speed data both within the municipality and in its surroundings was gathered (Páramo Chingaza, PNN Chingaza and PTAR Tocancipá) and then data was analyzed with the help of the Windographer software. The information generated from the analysis shows that the highest values in wind speed come from the south of the municipality, which reach 4 m/s, likewise it is observed that the wind flow in the municipality comes mainly from the east and crosses the municipality to the west. The power density analyzes showed that the greatest energy supply is located in the south of the municipality, where the power density values reach 40 W/m2, to evaluate this wind supply a search was carried out for wind turbines that could take advantage of the conditions of the municipality, showing an energy generation that ranges between 19,669.02 KWh and 42,711.59 KWh, which can be considered useful for self-sufficiency at the residential level.



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